Searches for the movies or tv series you are interested and downloads them using the peer-to-peer connection. After the name of the movie or show is added, it starts the search all over the existent torrents on the web and picks the high-quality ones for download.
By making use of the P2P protocol and the torrent technology, Popcorn Time provides you with all the latest films and TV shows and series in your choice of image quality and in a variety of languages and subtitles (when available). This free service supports connecting to the various servers anonymously using its native VPN solution (for a fee) and adding third-party trackers manually.
Popcorn Time’s main interface opens. It offers extensive information about the movies and TV shows available, including synopses, reviews, and ratings. You can create your own favorites list, check which episodes you’ve watched from a selected TV series, and even search for movies or TV shows using the program’s built-in search engine.
This free alternative to subscription-based TV and movie services comes with its own media player for you to enjoy your favorite movies in one single application. Thanks to the peer-to-peer technology it is based on, Popcorn Time can start streaming the selected movie or TV show as soon as the buffer is full, so you don’t have to wait for the entire file to download to start watching it. Note that, depending on the quality selected, your Internet connection and your computer’s RAM memory and processing speed, you may experience some bumps and jumps while the buffer is filling up. more
Comments (2)
My subtitles are gone, and I can do nothing! I'm always reading in Dutch, but the button to choose this is gone.